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Vectorworks Beginner!!


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I created some screencasts on using Vectorworks Spotlight which have been well received by novices. They cover document setup, accuracy and drawing tools and using the basic lighting design tools and data manipulation. They get you through a drawing using VW2010 to an acceptable level, there are some differences with 2011/12 but its basically all there.


Vectorworks Spotlight 2010 Tutorials



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I have managed to get lights onto the page but I now cant label them with their channel numbers and their info! HELP!!!!



I created some screencasts on using Vectorworks Spotlight which have been well received by novices. They cover document setup, accuracy and drawing tools and using the basic lighting design tools and data manipulation. They get you through a drawing using VW2010 to an acceptable level, there are some differences with 2011/12 but its basically all there.


Vectorworks Spotlight 2010 Tutorials



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