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Pyro training


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Can anyone tell me which courses are likely to help get pyrotechnics specific work? And which you need and which you don't. I've been looking around and I'm finding it difficult to get a clear picture of what is needed and not needed. For instance, Event Horizon do a course that is BECTU recognised but you need to have done other courses before that one etc etc. It's all very confusing.

I was speaking to a guy yesterday who used to work for Le Maitre and he said the first thing to do is get my training. I don't mind paying for it myself, I just need to know which training I need to make a start.

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A good starter for ten is the JustFX training days run by our very own Lincoln Parkhouse.

Next dates on offer should be pinned in the pyro forum here...



Great, thanks. A mate mentioned Lincoln some years ago when I was looking into it before. I'll have a look.

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