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help with naming a piece of equpiment


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I wouldn't say it was a controller; looking at the labels on it, they look (from a distance anyway) to be laser safety labels, so I'd say that's part of the laser.


Oh, and it's 'laser' with an 's'. Keep spelling it with a 'z', and you'll start upsetting some of the local curmudgeons.

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Judging from the yellow warning triangle on it, and all the other yellow hazard labels, I think it might be part of the laser - probably with the controller built in.



Oh, and it's 'laser' with an 's'. Keep spelling it with a 'z', and you'll start upsetting some of the local curmudgeons.

LASER is actually an acronym for: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation, so technically, it should also be spelt in CAPS to reflect that fact! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/nerd.gif

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