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HELP!!! Converting Show Files


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Hi there,


I have a show saved on ascii (from ETC Expression) with scroll info on, which I need to transfer to a .ssf for a strand desk - but how do I obtain the scroll info?? I have a one day in and up and haven't got time to re-input all the info again!!?


Can anyone help me, please??

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Hi there,


I have a show saved on ascii (from ETC Expression) with scroll info on, which I need to transfer to a .ssf for a strand desk - but how do I obtain the scroll info?? I have a one day in and up and haven't got time to re-input all the info again!!?


Can anyone help me, please??


You need Show Port. Download here


It only runs on Windows though.

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I have this but does it convert the scroll info also?

Hi there,


I have a show saved on ascii (from ETC Expression) with scroll info on, which I need to transfer to a .ssf for a strand desk - but how do I obtain the scroll info?? I have a one day in and up and haven't got time to re-input all the info again!!?


Can anyone help me, please??


You need Show Port. Download here


It only runs on Windows though.

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2nd from bottom of this page here if the strand OLE created by the blueroom's own Mac.Calder. If you download that, you can do the conversion and load your newly created file into the strand OLE and check to see if it works.


As to whether it transports scroller info across, it depends how the show was plotted on the expression. But if I know anything about conversion between consoles (and recently I've spent a bit of time on the subject), I suspect that scroller info is stored differently from console to console, and you will be out of luck.

If you can get a show file out of the strand OLE then you can pre-plot, but I failed (on mac) and had to use Dosbox instead when converting from Eos to strand.


Good luck!



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