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behringer pmp 1000


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With a line source providing the backing track, you just push the button to turn it on.


However, don't expect too much from it. Like all "voice cancellers" it just relies on the fact that usually the lead vocal is panned to the centre in the stereo mix with instruments and backing vocals panned elsewhere. All it does is invert the polarity of one channel in the hope that the vocal will cancel itself.


Just occasionally this can work fine. More normally, you lose some of the vocal but have the stereo reverb still there...or lose a lot of the music (which was panned centrally instead) and keep a thin sounding vocal...or any one of many not-very-satisfactory results.


FYI, this isn't just Behringer--the same applies to most hardware and software claiming to remove vocals.


Ninety percent of the time it's a con.

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