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Shed Load Of Telly's


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Hi Guys:


Like a nutter, I've been and opened my mouth in a brainstorming session for a friend of mines next music video, and they liked the idea.


The problem I have here is that the genesis of the idea is this


Artiste sat in middle of a room, surrounded by an assortment of TV's in a semi circle behind him. Say maybe 50 TV's, of varying shapes, sizes, and ages.


The challenge here, is that the budget is virtually nothing, and time is tight,...





Here's what I'm hoping.


If there happened to be a benevolent AV company out there, that happened to have a hell of a lot of TV's sitting about, and an assortment of video distribution that could enable random screens to be playing back say 6 or 7 different sources, and are able to help with setting the screens up, and can perhaps do this in their warehouse, with a day for shooting, that would be fab.


Answers, pointers, offers of assistance, and all sorts of ting great fully received.





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Apart from meeting with the digital switchover people and picking up their weee liability my first thought would be some more sketch ish TV frames, some with CSO Some with CSB and some with CSG fillers and use this as three different colour separation systems and drop in three different movies. It's for a vid so all the fx can be in the post production.
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Lots of households will have replaced their old CRT set or smaller LCD TV with a newer one in the past 5 years, and many will have stashed the old TV in the shed, garage, loft or spare room. Put an appeal out on local radio saying they will be used in a music video and then tested and given to worthy causes such as homeless shelters, nursing homes and hospices.


Log the source and destination of each TV so the charitable donor can then receive a "thank you"/certificate to say where it has gone. People generally prefer giving items to charity than giving money, and they are more likely to donate if they will find out where it went and who benefited from it.


One way to get them all showing the same thing is to use an old Video Sender that transmits the picture from the composite input, via analogue RF (Although this is technically illegal, the range is so limited, that in a warehouse there is unlikely to be anything else within range that can receive the signal)


E2A: If you do get the local radio radio stations to help with the TV appeal, they could even feature the band on air, which would obviously work miracles for the band's publicity!

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I did something like this many moons ago, and borrowed a load of tellys from a second hand telly shop, for a modest fee.


I used RF distribution to get a small number of different feeds to the tellys, used a few modulators from Maplins, a SMATV head amp, and a load of 75R resistors.

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Just remember that if you manage to scrounge a load of old TVs from sources like free ads that when the time comes to dispose of them you may have a problem. Your local recycling facility will treat them as commercial waste and charge you accordingly.
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I would also try your local tip. Most now segregate CRTs from normal rubbish, certainly the one near me has a container full of the things.


With people upgrading to LCD's etc a lot are being dumped fully working. Only problem is separating the working ones from the broken.


Might be worth a look?

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Barnardos will rent you anything from their stock as will most charity shops, the bigger ones are pretty clued in commercially so you can try there, also the local tip will have a container full of tellys as anything CRT is seperated and im sure a deal could be done with the foreman there. for signal distro id go for composite video as pretty much all your tvs made in the last 20 years will have a scart and it means you can rent the cable and DAs which will be cheaper and a lot less hassle than sourcing loads of RF cable and amps let alone having to tune in each set.
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