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LED battery uplighters


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Just been told Im stuck on a job that needs odd bits in the set uplighting but it can't be wired.



I have found battery powered pinspots (3w'ish) on 12 degree's. Their a possible but I would prefer, ideally a battery LED par 56.




Anyone know of any? Or any alternatives? I can't really spend more then £60 a piece due to the quantity needed. Thats the challenge :D

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The 60 quid a piece thing suggests this is some sort of amateur production? There are a good selection of remotely controllable LED wash lights out there, but I doubt 60 quid would even hire one for any useful length of time.


Does the light have to change colour or can it be left fixed to a single colour? If it was just a single colour you could probably cobble something up out of some LED MR16 lamps and a battery pack. I know that the LED floodlight PCBs I have on my website (bigclive.com) often get used for battery powered lighting because they are designed to fit in outdoor floodlight cases and give a good amount of light with a relatively low power consumption. That would require some technical skills to put together though.

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When you say they have to be battery powered - do they also need to be controlled wirelessly (either colour changing or dimming) ? If so you'll need something like W-DMX to give you control of them and looking at way more than £60 each..
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Depending on the time you need them to be on and if you don't need live control, ebay often have MR16 LED uplights which work quite well for set lighting. These can be wired to a car battery (or a battery of car batteries). They are infra-red controlled - a bit of jiggery-pokery using an IR repeater wired to an "IR Blaster" and turning the set on is a quick click of a remote.


We have some mounted in small boxes with motorcycle batteries in them to place centerpieces on. On a full charge they will last about 10-12 hours.


Another one that might be an option is a decent 12V DC to 240V AC inverter. Again, it is a matter of how much time this set will be on stage - if it needs to be on for too long you risk giving your crew a hernia every time they try to move the set due to the weight of the batteries.

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Brian is right, ive got a load of `flat` PAR 56`s which use 144x10mm LED`s and there is just simpily a 12V transformer inside the casing. A quick mod and you can hook a 12V battery pack up to it. then set any colour you wish via the par cans onboard controls.


But others suggestions of the MR16 RGB remote controlled lamps would be most likely a cheaper alternative. (depends on how cheaply you can get LED Par 56's for)

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