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Headset mics - suggestions for a particular show


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Hi Guys,


I have a one-off show coming up at the Victoria Apollo and I need to mic a bunch of the cast on headsets. For reasons entirely outside my control, the stage is quite tight (8m x 4m with up to 20 cast onstage!), the PA is 1m upstage of the downstage edge and the cast don't necessarily project as well as they could/should. There is a live band onstage and its a high-energy musical


Its a tough show, and the show demands fairly high levels out front. Last year I used DPA 4066's for all the cast, and we got by.


Before I go and book a bunch of DPAs again - has anyone used anything else of late which performed better in terms of GBF on a show like this?


Appreciate any suggestions!

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You might want to consider the Countryman E6 directional...it can offer somewhat more GBF in loud situations.


There's also the DPA 4088 but I've not tried that personally...I chose the Countryman because it seemed at bit less visible than the 4088.


Edited to add...meant to say, the E6 is an earset, not a full headset...but it seemed to fit snugly when I used it.

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You might want to consider the Countryman E6 directional...it can offer somewhat more GBF in loud situations.


There's also the DPA 4088 but I've not tried that personally...I chose the Countryman because it seemed at bit less visible than the 4088.


Edited to add...meant to say, the E6 is an earset, not a full headset...but it seemed to fit snugly when I used it.


Thanks bobbsy,


Yes - I had thought of the E6D and the 4088.


Countryman do now do the 'earclip' which turns an e6 into a twin-eared jobbie.


The only problem with the directional mics, which I have found, is that when they are positioned well, they sound amazing, but they are MUCH less tolerant of bad positioning. Now, this again is not always in my control - sometimes the headsets slip, or my lovely volunteers (with the best of intentions) just fit them poorly. I have found the 4066s to be much more forgiving, but I might give a 4088 a go.


Anyone used the new D-Fine from DPA? is it a nicer capsule?



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