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colour for TRS lenghts


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Hello Blue Rooms,


I am about to label the TRS from a venue.I was planning to use some Lx tape. Since I have got a few different lengths, from 1m to 20m; I was just wondering if there is any conventional colour code used to specify the different lengths of TRS.








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For easy reference, the PRG code is basically a rainbow.


0 = Red

1 = Orange

2 = Yellow

3 = Green

4 = Blue

5 = Violet


I think it was pretty much designed to fit available insulation tape colours.


It's a shame they didn't use the standard resistor colour code, but having said that, black isn't a great colour for marking TRS. (Although if you can't tell the difference between a 1m and 10m TRS then there's a problem.)

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I use a scheme loosely based on the resistor colour code.














The more popular lengths in capitals.

I have seen this used elswhere.

This has the merit of only requireing one colour of tape per cable, two markings being applied for longer cables.

It also avoids the use of black, grey, and white, since no cable is 0M long, and 8 or 9 M are not much used.

Black, grey, and white are best avoided since many cables ARE these colours, and the marking would not show up.


White and black are useful for site or job specific marking rather then to identify cable lengths. For example white for mains power and black for generator power.

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I use almost the same scheme as Adam.

2m Red

5m Green

10m Brown

20m Red Red

50m Green Green


I decided that 1m didn't need a code too. If I ever get cables in more lengths then Adam's scheme is the way I will go.


I think it was Pearce Hire's coding that confused me a couple of times - something like Yellow for 20m and Yellow Black for 30m; the black isn't so easy to see

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Without wanting to blow PRGs horn. They're absolutely huge and almost every freelance lighting guy works with them at some point. So using their sensible and well established colour code might make things easier all round.


They've not forced their standard on us... It just makes sense to make it a standard in the industry.

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Well Stage Electrics colour code as follows (I love freebies! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)


Jumper: Red

1m: Lime

2m: Pink

3m: Brown

5m: Light gray

10m Orange

15m Yellow

20m: Dark Green

25m: Blue

30m: Purple

40m: Sky Blue

50m: Dark gray

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In all honesty if everyone who works under you knows job done.


I use yellow for 1-4 (1band = 1 m)


red for 5m


white for 10m


So 17m = 1yellow 1red 1white.


ALSO because I occasionally do get bits from other companies I know my system is different and can identify what is mine and theirs

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Well Stage Electrics colour code as follows (I love freebies! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)


Jumper: Red

1m: Lime

2m: Pink

3m: Brown

5m: Light gray

10m Orange

15m Yellow

20m: Dark Green

25m: Blue

30m: Purple

40m: Sky Blue

50m: Dark gray


Awesome! A colour code with no logic to it at all. Better still, it doesn't even use standard tape colours readily available in the field. Unless of course you all have rolls of insulation tape in pink, sky blue, lime and various shades of grey. :o

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Well Stage Electrics colour code as follows (I love freebies! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)


Jumper: Red

1m: Lime

2m: Pink

3m: Brown

5m: Light gray

10m Orange

15m Yellow

20m: Dark Green

25m: Blue

30m: Purple

40m: Sky Blue

50m: Dark gray


Awesome! A colour code with no logic to it at all. Better still, it doesn't even use standard tape colours readily available in the field. Unless of course you all have rolls of insulation tape in pink, sky blue, lime and various shades of grey. :o


They use special tapes with there logo as a outline an the length. I thought it worked well when working at underbelly this year. Better than having masses of samey lx tapes!

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