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personally I dont think it does, the one on used lighting I imagine looks like its for outdoor projection, and doesn't have the same sort of flow in the shape as the one like in the picture peter has supplied us with... though it could be a scaled down, less powerful version of it.


someone saying about dha and there projectors... it does look like something similar in design tto what they have, I remember seeing something in a catalogue of theres some time ago...


I was looking at the iGuzzini website when Peter first mentioned it, and saw that product too Stu...


some variation on this:




...however I dismissed it as the buldges dont seem to match up - and the circular 'focussing screw' on the bottom is missing.


But it could well be...


Just my thoughts.




EDIT: Dodgy link not showing pictures, so I have planted a direct picture link instead.


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