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Panasonic Projector Remote via 3.5mm connector


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If I were being pedantic, I'd say it's neither - it's not carrying audio signals, so the terms "mono" and "stereo" are not appropriate.


You need a 2-core screened connection, connected to 3.5mm TRS jacks. Max cable length 15m.


Probably better to use an overall screened cable, rather than side-by-side "shotgun" cable, as commonly used for unbalanced stereo audio.


Some might call this a "stereo" cable.

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If I were being pedantic, I'd say it's neither - it's not carrying audio signals, so the terms "mono" and "stereo" are not appropriate.


You need a 2-core screened connection, connected to 3.5mm TRS jacks. Max cable length 15m.


Probably better to use an overall screened cable, rather than side-by-side "shotgun" cable, as commonly used for unbalanced stereo audio.


Some might call this a "stereo" cable.



Umm yes, sorry I didn't realise I needed to be politically correct. And yes your right it's not carrying audio. TS or TRS I should have said....


Anyway thanks for answering. I did look it up in the manual and couldn't find it. I have always used TRS via an XLR to run down looms etc.

The reason for asking was that I have a bag of TS 3.5mm Jacks and wondered if the projector remote used all 3 pins.


Interesting you say 15M max, I have used it on longer runs, I guess having a good cable between helps.



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got no idea where 15m comes from, ours work fine over 100m on normal 3pin XLR data cables {with jumps} and yes its a 3 wire or stereo connection...



perhaps that's the manufactures spec on rubbish skinny cable. ive used them on 50M runs no problem over XLR cables. I would think a good set of batteries helps also.


thanks for the replies...

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