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Strand 520i Patching


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Hello all,


New to this desk and having some trouble doing some basic patching.


I have a two channel hazer (Look Solutions Unique) that I need control of the fan and pump channels on a submaster each. (Each channel has 99 steps according to the manual)


Firstly, how do I want to add this fixture into the patch.


Secondly, how do I then add each separate channel to a submaster.


Thanks for any help, I know it's a basic question but I have been struggling to make it work for a while and the manual isn't helping me.

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For something so simple, I'd suggest just using them as dimmer channels (as far as the desk is concerned, don't plug the hazer into a dimmer!), and putting them into submasters as normal.


If you're not sure how to program subs as normal, say you've patched the hazer to start at DMX channel 300 (so it's using channels 300 and 301)


Go into your Sub page (button towards the top right corner)

Scroll to the first sub you want to use with the trackball

Type in 300 ON

Scroll to the next sub

Type in 301 ON


Go back to your Live screen (again, button in the same area as the sub button)

Give them a try, you should see the channels moving up on the screen.


(If I'm being stupid, please correct me, I think this is right though!)

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