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Colour Donut, and its uses


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Hello, Was having a hunt around for places to buy (or similar ways to make) donuts to sharpen up some of the flare on some gobos and came across a technique called color donut by Thomas Skelton. Has anybody used a gel as a donut and what effect or benefit is produced? Also how much improvement do donuts produce on gobo work? I haven't had a chance to experiment yet, but was just wondering if anybody else has experience or tips they wish to share?




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Donuts can give a gobo a much better sharp image, but always at the expense of light output, if you have one, hold an iris in front of the lantern after you have focused it, then adjust it until you have the right balance of sharpness and brightness, you can then use this as a pattern to cut yourself a hole in a bit of black-wrap or for smaller output lanterns some thick black card. (I've never bought any non-edible donuts)


I have used a gel donut, the effect was interesting, but not always relevant to the production style, for example a red donut will give a red halo effect around a sharper gobo image, (good for a sunset type haze) Again go and rig a profile, shine it onto the floor or a wall and play. It does take more time, but it is the best way to learn what will work for you. It may not be the effect you want this time, but you'll probably use it one day.


Somewhere on the Rosco website there is a great tutorial with some great examples and images on the use of split gel and I'm sure there is also an example of a donut

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