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DMX / ILD control advice needed


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Hello All,


Firstly let me explain that I'm a complete noob to all this so treat me gently on the tecchy side of things!


I recently bought a KAM Tri 260 SD FScan laser and to cut a long story short was misinformed about the method of controll. I can create ILD files and save them to the SD card, the problem I have is hoe to control the show 'live'. The unit has a DMX512 In. I'm looking for an inexpensive DMX controller or pc interface and software to ennable me to select different sequences from the SD card. Any suggestions?

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Having looked at the item from Google. I see it requires (up to)? 10 channels of DMX. So thats very easy.


Just have a browse around inplaces for a simple programmable maybe DMX controller.


If you go onto the Thomnan site,





there are plenty of controllers their which should suit your needs.


Hope that helps

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Are you sure that the DMX IN has the ability to trigger cues from the sd card, as this seems as a strange way to go about it. Usually DMX directly controls fixtures, rather than triggering commands stored elsewhere... Please not USUALLY but not all the time :)


Before being able to help you out on what desk to buy we need to know how many "channels" of DMX this fixture uses. This can be found by looking in the manual. Also it

may be helpful for other forum members to know what the actual fixture is, which can help with solving your problems.


Edit: someone beat me to it due to my phone not submitting my post

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This method of DMX control is extremely common for lasers.


Actually, I can't think of a single laser fixture that isn't controlled like this. There are one or more DMX channels that select which effect the laser should project (you could call them "Clip Library" and "Clip", or maybe "Gobo"), plus some other parameters that adjust that effect in some way - maybe altering the aim or deforming the effect.


LXbydesign is right that you'll need a simple programmable DMX controller - however, you'll want something that's got encoders for adjusting attributes.

The "Pattern Select" attribute on this fixture (DMX offset 3) selects one of 124 different patterns. On a fader that's a really tiny movement so you'd find it extremely difficult to choose pattern you want.

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