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Stolen Gear in Eastwood (Nottingham)

phil dB

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I've just had an e-mail about some PA gear being stolen from Eastwood in Nottingham. Basically they took an outboard rack, Logic PA, amps, playback rack, multicores and some power distro (I've got a full list of the gear on PDF if anyone wants it). All the kit is labelled as www.totallivesound.com. If anyone hears anything or has any info, I'm sure the guys would really appreciate it.




I've just had an e-mail about some PA gear being stolen from Eastwood in Nottingham.


Here is a link to a post on ProSoundWeb which has the full list of equipment.


Graham has also managed the accomplishment of being the last ever poster on the LAB, but I suppose that will be scant consolation for the loss he has suffered. :(


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