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BBC Freelancers


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Hi Guys:


As I continue to pimp myself around town, I've been trying to make sense of the BBC Freelancers site. It's great at the how's and why's, but sucks on the whom's and their contact details. So.... who do you talk to at the BBC these days to get yourself onto the Freelancers list? Does TSPR still deal with it? does TSPR even still exist?





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TSPR might well be the best bet to talk to about getting on to the list of sparks, the sparks are however booked through production so im not sure who you would talk to there.


If its as a tech then you dont speak to the BBC at all but to the company providing the equipment as the hire company provides the techs.


Hope this helps a little


Edit to add:


If its as a designer then thats down to the production and as a board opp its up to the designer and the BBC tend to stay out of the decision making process as the designer books the programmer they want.

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There is no sparks list, it's all down to individual productions normally.


If you want to be a spark (not a lampy as they don't exist in tv) you need to be 17th edition, and fully qualified in electrical installation (not part p) or you will come into trouble with some very angry sparks!


If your an ld, you won't get in unless it's a LE show and production know you.


But good luck

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Hi Ben:


Im looking at Board Op work at the moment. LE sort of stuff.


I mostly use the Grand MA 1 and 2, and the ETC Eos, however I'm equally at home with anything Avo have ever built, and the Hog III and it's variants.


Have a look at this page on my site for the last TV show I was LD for.... http://www.paulsmithld.com/gallery.php?album=11





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Ah the Vector *Shudders* :)


I'll fire a mail around to the usual suspects, and see about some Vector training. Hopefully something will come up,


Many thanks for the help




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