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ETC Ion - odd behaviour of fixture


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I have an Ion on loan for 3 weeks whilst we assess it as the likely next purchase.

All seemed to be going well - online manual at the ready and patched in the conventionals - no problems.

Patched the ETC Paletta LEDs - also fine.

Built a new fixture profile (after working out how...) for the LEDJ Omni LEDs, as there wasn't one on board.

Then came to patch in the Chauvet Colorado tri Tour fixtures. Personality already on the desk, so thought 'no problem'. Patched all 14 onto the relevant channels, and all the expected parameters appeared on the screen. However, with intensity channel OFF and all other param's at 00 (nearly) all of the lanterns started a slow fade-chase through the colours, in groups all doing the same thing. The only thing I could see was the 'Color mix 2' channel had a default setting of '21' - I can increase that but can't drop it below 21...

tried copying and editing the fixture settings to another profile, but still nothing doing.

In the end I created a new fixture file for the lantern with a best-guess of what param's should be there - it's not 100% accurate but good enough for what I want to use for now.

So I have control over what I need - ie RGB and strobe - but just found it a little odd that this channel was at a bespoke level on a pre-installed fixture personality...


Anyone any thoughts?


I should add that this is DEFINITELY a desk issue. All of the lanterns perform fine on the Strand 300 which I ran last night's show. Just playing with the desk whilst the turn did their getout brought up the query.

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I am guessing 'colour mix 2' is offset 7 on the 'tour' mode (10ch)? If so then that would at least make sense since 'no macro' is 0-20 and the first macro effect starts at 21.


I can't say whether it's a fault with the personality or something to do with how it is controlled in the console but if it helps for creating your own or modifying you can reference the Avo one here.

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Yep, that';; be the one.

The Chauvet offset name is given in the manual as 'Auto Programs' but the personailty file on the Ion shows it as 'Color Mix 2' which I suspect isn't too far off, especially as it seems to affect the colour mix...


The problem I have (not insurmountable) is trawling through what seems like hundrds of attribute names on the Ion when building the fixture from new, finding things that actually match what the fixture settings should be.

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My interpretation of the mapping is all channels except 2,3,4 (RGB) should default/home to zero. I don't know how the ETC personalities work but chances are you will never use 5,7,8 or 10 and so any attribute that is a straight 0-255 range with home at zero should be fine.
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This is very true, and precisely why I ended up building the new personality file as I did. Calling the last 4 channels something close to what they 'should be' would be a useful exercise BUT not essential, as you're quite right in that I'd never use any of them.


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Yes, it's a mistake in the personality template - for some reason the Ranges for that attribute miss out the Home value. Weird, as that's not supposed to be possible.


We'll get this corrected in a future release.

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Yes, it's a mistake in the personality template - for some reason the Ranges for that attribute miss out the Home value. Weird, as that's not supposed to be possible.


We'll get this corrected in a future release.

Well, blow me!

Had the desk on trial for 5 minutes and I find a problem for you guys to fix!!!


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I must say though that the more I 'play' with the Ion the more I'm loving the desk!

The only problem is that there's so much to it that it's sometimes hard to figure out where things are, but I'm sure that will come with regular use (when we buy one...).



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