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Martin Mac 2000 wash XB issues


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Hi there,


Would appreciate if anyone can shed some insight on this issue:


My Mac 2K wash XBs have a tendency to 'auto-strike' upon turing on power. I had not given the LAMP STRIKE command yet.

This happened a few occasions and the units which have this phenomenon usually have a much shorter lamp life - reckon about 2-300hrs.

Martin service techs also reverted that they checked and "unit is working fine. tested in workshop. OK." is the usual reply.


at the moment we are using Osram SharXS HTI 1500W Double Ended Discharge lamp - D7/600S

The power supply here in Singapore is rated at 230V, 50Hz. The non-dim is supplied through the ETC Sensor dimmer rack.


Wonder if anyone has similar experience in this?




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Have you got auto lamp on command set to on in the menus ?


This would cause the 2K's to auto strike when you tuirn them on


PERS - ALON - OFF No automatic lamp strike

ON Lamp strikes automatically within 90 seconds of power on.

DMX Lamp strikes if DMX is present. Lamp automatically switches off after 15 mins if there is no DMX signal.

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Stuart,


thanks for the tip.. and apologies for the REALLY late reply.. haha.. forgot I'd post something here...

anyway all the above settings you've mentioned are correct to my system specs - no auto lamp off, DMX lamp on etc etc..


another question and issue I have is that my XBs are killing my lamps very rapidly.

Every other day I'm seeing at least one lamp down fortnightly.


Now once again Martin can offer me soultions like "check your venue power supply, check humidity, check fuse, check lamp installed properly...etc"...


anyone has other views or similar problems?


Advice much appreciated!



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