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RIP Bruce Jackson

John Norris

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This was sad news.


Bruce was a true innovator and some of those things that we don't give a second thought to in audio world today came from ideas of the man himself, parametric EQ being one.

I do hope that a full obituary appears sometime to remind people of his achievements.


A short article from the man himself


RIP Bruce.





Here's an obit from prosoundnews.

My original link has a good youtube interview with him. Especially interesting, and humorous, is the bit in which he discusses the origins of the first flown PA.


I do hope that a full obituary appears sometime to remind people of his achievements.





Veteran live sound pro Bink Knowles gave a heads-up earlier today in soundforums.net that he was finalizing a Wikipedia entry for Mr. Jackson., which is now finished, I see.

Here is the link to Bink's excellent Wikipedia article on this important live audio innovator.




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