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pink LED tube


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I am currently working on a small project with my students and for their play they want pink background light running around the stage. I tried to find pink tubes or LED strips, no luck so far.

Do you have any ideas maybe?

Thanks a lot.

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Pink flourescent lamps are readily available from most suppliers, in 2 foot 18 watt, 4 foot 36 watt, or 5 foot 58 watt sizes, fit standard flourescent fittings but not dimmable without special and expensive control gear.

White flourescent lamps are sold everywhere and can be sleeved with pink gell.

RGB LED strip can give pink light by proper control, but is rather expensive.

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Pink fluorescent lamps are readily available from most suppliers, in 2 foot 18 watt, 4 foot 36 watt, or 5 foot 58 watt sizes, fit standard fluorescent fittings but not dimmable without special and expensive control gear.

White fluorescent lamps are sold everywhere and can be sleeved with pink gel.

RGB LED strip can give pink light by proper control, but is rather expensive.


I would 2nd the Standard white fluro and then an appropriate gel covering. As the Pre coloured tubes will usually only come in 1 maybe 2 different shades. compared to the gel, well we all know the range that's out there.

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How about some pink LED rope light? More dimmable than fluorescents (may need a load).




This is the first decent length of ropelight link that came up. I am sure that more trawling will bring up some other hits, but I have work to do.

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  • 8 months later...

Pink flourescent tubes are fairly readily available.

Some types use a pink phosfor, these appear white when un lit.

Other types are a standard tube with a pink coating.


Dimming ballasts for flourescent lamps are now much more affordable and available than in the past, note however that most types are NOT compatible with standard theatre or d0m3stic dimmers.

They require a seperate control, often at 0/10 volts DC

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Why don't you try RGB LED strip? I had a similar problem, when I needed a dark purple, which was quite rare, and I bought RGB LED strip, and set the colour myself.

[ link removed ]

If it is RGB, you can use it later with other colours too, and this is also dimmable.


Hi Joe, and welcome to the Blue Room


I'm fairly sure you are affiliated with the above site (ledcentre.uk.com) and would like to direct you to http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=35729


Promoting your own business here is allowed, subject to those rules, but please have the courtesy to disclose you are associated with the company.

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Mix red and blue LED??

No, it's Red, plus smaller roughly equal amounts of Blue and Green.


- On SmartFade ML and other Hue/Sat aware consoles, put the Hue controller to Red, and then set the Saturation control to ~50% and adjust to get the pink you want.

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