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Flying carpet


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These would be the people The only things to watch are that the kit is VERY heavy, very expensive and you need to budget serious transport costs. They also require you to sign a confidentiality agreement. The paperwork is similar to Foys and the other people flying companies. It will come with everything you need, including full blacks for the operators.
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Id try foys. They set up a flying carpet for our peter pan panto last year and it looked the part as well as function. They had to come in to fix the mess that "high Fly" had cuased. High fly managed to set up a person flying carpet that failed on the first test falling about 6 foot. and to top it off when we brought down the bar that was holding the flying track we found all of the bolts that hold the track to the bar only just finger tight... Shocking. But I digress. Adam from Foys will be able to advise on your needs :)
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Paulears is correct, the effect in Southampton is by the Twins.

A unique flying system which a number of panto companys have hired .

Also this year the flying system was used in Dr. Who & the West End's Fun of the Fair. As well as this the Twins work on TV, Film & Theatre supplying special FX and bespoke illusions. How do I know all this? ... I have used the Twins as creative consultants and designers on on of my own shows.


Kind Regards


Damian Jay

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