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Lighting Plan symbol help!


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Hi, thanks for taking time to read this.

I am doing my first lighting design (I normally board op or assistant design) and wondered if there is a database somewhere on the web of lantern symbols, the kind you would find on vectorworks or other design programmes, just so that I could drag them over and build a lighting design on the computer? for free (or relatively cheap)

I really need a few good lighting designs in my portfolio as I am applying to uni next year too study lighting design, so any help would be much appreciated =]

Thanks a lot! Rob http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

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Hi Rob,

Much depends on your choice of software, so I can't help with Vectorworks - too expensive for me. I'm intrigued by the portfolio. Don't the unis want to ses real drawings from shows you have designed for? I don't think they're that interested in plans without realisation - unless you've actually tried them, it's just a drawing exercise?

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Thank you very much this has been very helpful and I am lookin at lxfree now =]

This plan will be realised in a small production of 'little shop of horrors' so should be a relevant piece of my portfolio.


Thanks Rob :)

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yes, lxfree!


their is a JAVA version, Link



:D And, its very good,thanks big jay,I now have it for use on my computer,although I'm still trying to get hold of a theatre projects stencil.This is certainly easy to use and easy to install.Regards Roy

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