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Missing marantz 660 audio file


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I borrowed a recorder from work. Did some basic tests then set it to record a memorial service so that the recording can be sent abroad. I started it off and it was still recording 75 minutes later at the end, BUT on stopping and hitting play a dreaded error message Format error came up and it shot on the first file on the disk. Now I have partially recovered things by taking the file onto the computer and using VLC it does play. However although the file says when it started and finished the back half is not there. Does anyone know of further recovery measures I can take? Obviously in few days I will be back in work and hopefully people there might know. File is 170M and as I said about 75 minutes long, or should be!
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I have a Marantz PMD680 mono recorder, which is now a discontinued model. To hear the recordings I have to use a program called Audio Converter to convert the WAV file to another WAV file that my computer can recognise and play. For some reason the audio file wont play directly from the recorder. The website where I downloaded the Audio Converter software is here. Looking at the site today I see that the program is now part of a larger program called "Digital Music Pad" and the Audio Converter is the first one listed in the package. It can be tried for free. Years ago when I downloaded this software it would only allow me to convert the first 80% of the recording, I got the full recording only after paying to licence the program.


I hope this information helps a little.



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