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problems with radio microphones


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Hey guys, I'm gonna start by saying I'm not very technical but I hope someone can help


I've got some of these microphones http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=43669 the same as found at that link, I've had these for about 3 years now and I've never had a problem until last night, I was doing a disco and karaoke gig and the B microphone in the pack started to be picked up on both channels and causing a squel through the sound system, lucky for me this happened on the last singer of the night I've tried the microphones again today and microphone A is fine but microphone B is still having the same problem, does anyone know what casued this problem? or even better how to fix the problem?


thank you all in advance



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The world of cheap radio microphones is an iffy one!


I'll try and speak as little technical talk as possible, based upon your opening line!

You tried it again today - was that in the same location or somewhere different? A new location would help to rule out any local influences (positioning, interference, whatever) and would point towards a fault.


If it's a fault, one of a few things could have happened;


The B microphone may have gone off frequency, meaning it's being picked up by the A receiver.


The A receiver may have become less selective and so is receiving the B signal.


A mixture of the 2 may have happened.



Either way, with transmitters that are stuck on frequency with no way of altering or swapping them, fault finding will require external test equipment. If the transmitters could change frequency, we could start trying different combinations to see if we can pinpoint the fault. As it is, we're kinda stuck!


Personally for the money, I'd look at replacement. You could then keep this one as a single frequency (channel B only) spare. If, as I think, they've drifted off frequency, it may be possible to realign them, but for the money it'll cost to get them looked at, you may as well have a shiny new one!


A local church use the prosound mics and think they're great. I've never played myself. There are plenty of better units out there, but hey if these have worked fine up until now, treat them as a 3 year invesment. Or spend a lot more money and get something that will last a lot longer. Each to their own.

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cheers mate I did try them at a new location, I managed to find the proof of purchase for these and took them back to my local maplins since they came with a 3 year 'guarantee' (which is over next month) only to be told in the shop after they 'tested' them that it is a common problem with them and since it is a common problem the guarantee doesn't cover it which I think is a loads of bull.... so it looks like I should buy some more, do you have any recommendations?
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... it is a common problem with them and since it is a common problem the guarantee doesn't cover it ...

Go back and politely, but firmly, ask to speak to the manager. If you get the same story then ring their head office.

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go straight to trading standards or the citizens advice bureau - that advice regarding their guarantee not covering common problems sounds suspect at best...


I have found both those bodies being excellent dealing with less than scrupulous retailers.

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My dealings and thoughts on the wonderful people at maplins are well documented. Get down there, get stroppy.


"My car's brakes don't work"

"Ah, shame, they all do that, you can't have a refund sorry"


Makes me so angry! Have been in a Maplins store more than once when I've heard "geeky bullying" going on. People returning things that don't work with their existing equipment, despite advice at the time of purchase saying it'd be ok. Upon return they get "well, of course it wouldn't have worked, you should have known that, sorry you can't have a refund".

What's worse is that older folk and those less tech-savvy seem to shop there thinking it has to be the best place because they have impressive looking stuff on the shelves. License to print money.


Rant ends!

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Don't get stroppy. Ask for the manager. Be firm. Be polite. Say "your colleague who advised me yesterdays said 'since it is a common problem the guarantee doesn't cover it '. Is that company policy? If so, could you confirm that in writing?".



Asking people for their full name and writing them down in a notebook also helps!

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Don't get stroppy. Ask for the manager. Be firm. Be polite. Say "your colleague who advised me yesterdays said 'since it is a common problem the guarantee doesn't cover it '. Is that company policy? If so, could you confirm that in writing?".



Asking people for their full name and writing them down in a notebook also helps!


Actually, the fact they admitted it happens a lot, they have proven with out doubt that it is an inherent fault, in which case I think you have six years to return then....... best get that in writing first though!

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Cheers for all the advice guys, I've since been back to my local maplins store many times each time asking for the manager and being told 'they are busy' and me saying 'It's fine.....I'll wait, I've got all day' then waiting for a good 2 hours then being told by security to leave the store with no manager coming to see me, I've also phoned their head office and been told there and then that the store manager has been informed that I should go to the store and the manager will see me and they will sort it out, but once getting to the store security have been waiting AGAIN! to take me out of the store!


Yesturday I went to both my local trading standards office and to my local citizens advice bureau, they are both going to look into this matter for me as they have both stated that Maplins SHOULD of changed them due to the fault.


I've had no problems with Maplins before this problem with these microphones! and it seems really odd that they do know of this problem and are still selling them, but again thank you for the advice and I'll keep you posted on what happens :)

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Id be tempted to stand outside the store and inform customers of your treatment,if the security gaurds start hasseling you point out your not in the store,and if they touch you in any way youll sue for assult,either that or take 1 or 2 large mates with you.
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I've got to say, on the whole I've been very impressed with my loca trading standards office. I've complained to my local office and was kept very well informed on proceedings. Everything seemed to be dealt with pretty fairly too. All in all a good experience, and certainly not the hassle most people assume it's going to be. I'd encourage more people to do it if normal routes don't work out.

Unfortunately none of your stories about Maplins surprise me in the least. I've heard blatantly wrong information being told to customers just to make them buy something. And... they're not that cheap either!

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It's a shame that Craplins come up far too often in search engines.


Anyone not in the know, wanting to buy any audio kit, get's their garbage prosound gear rubbed in their faces. http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif


Which, also reminds me of the old tandy stores, quite an interesting find here.



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maplins used to be a dam fine place,spent many an hour as a teenager drooling over there catolouge,when they only had a handfull of shops the staff knew there stuff and could recommend a replacment for the 2n5636,then about 10 years ago someone brought them out and the decline started.Tiss a shame realy,same as the disapearance of tandys,expensive as they were,a vist to there store soon had my pocket money out of my pocket
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