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LED Desk Lights


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If they're popping every 5mins somethings wrong. I personally can't get use to the LED ones ( either the beam pattern or colour temperature ) and they don't generally seem to dim properly.


Maybe the higher end LED ones such as those supplied with some new consoles are better ?


Traditional littlite all the way - for now anyway

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Be careful with cheap LED lamps, they have been known to cause PSU problems on desks (Soundcraft consoles seem to suffer from this more than others.)

I've got 6 of those Stairville lamps and they are alright, but depending on the the pin-out of the consoles lamp sockets you may need to do some soldering to get them to work. For instance when I got them from the factory they were wired 0v Pin 3, 12v pin 4. Many desks require this to be changed to 0v pin 4, 12v pin 3.

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The maplins look like the hard to find ones, they look a bit cheap.


Theese look a bit better




and only £14

School have got a gooseneck like this and I absolutely hate it. Whether its the colour temperature or the intensity, I just cannot work with it. I would rather a normal desk lamp than one of these!




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The maplins look like the hard to find ones, they look a bit cheap.


Theese look a bit better




and only £14


we've had the 'stageline' branded versions of these stairville ones for around 3 years on the lx desk, when we received them, we had to resolder/rearrange the pinout but since then no problems.

we've recently had a new sound desk & updated the lamps for that with 3 x the stageline versions (from Farnell / CPC) with no need to change the pinout.

bit of frost on them to diffuse the light a little & will do, the gooseneck may be too short if the lamp sockets are on the rear of the desk rather than the face.


the problems that some desks may have is if they have some electronics to do dimming then the circuitry might be expecting a higher load than the leds present.to it.

also be very careful with your soldering, heatshrink it to avoid shorting (some desks wire the lamp sockets straight to the PSU)




Ben Wainwright

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I´ve actually been toying with the idea of working out how to make a phantom powered XLR gooseneck LED light for noisy desks that dont have 12v supply....


or has someone beaten me to the punch and already released such a device.... heres hoping I can make my millions from a patent hahha





now its just a case of working out this design to be gooseneck and choosing the right LED


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I made up a few LED goosenecks from cheap USB goosenecks off ebay - cut the USB connector off and stuck an an appropriate resistor in series for 12V, but they could be adapted for phantom power as well (possibly). The theory worked fine, but it turned out that the LED goosenecks I'd chosen were terrible quality and they all fell apart at the end I hadn't modified.
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These might be worth considering; el cheapo, two light levels, multiplicity of fixings...even cobble onto the gooseneck assembly of your existing unit, last forever, only 3 AAA cells:




The cylinder part rotates to avoid the leds in your eyes sort of thing...if power goes to all systems you still have illumination without having to look for your torch.

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If you dont want to pay top dollar for good quality lights,

Its not particully difficult to retrofit your existing lights,

Just use a lamp base from a defunct lamp.

and remove glass envelope, fit led and resistor.

Not hard or difficult.


Hello All,

Wanna replace our XLR desk lamps to LED lamps, fed up of ours popping every 5 minutes, anyone know any good suppliers or are any better than others ?





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