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Lighting for a Dance to fame


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Hi all!


I am doing a dance show in a few days and one of the dance groups is dancing to fame. I am just not entirely sure on what to do lighting wise. For this show I only have a limited number of movers - 5 Martin Mac 250+ and 4 Martin Mac300s - I do have 11 colour scroller bolted to S4 parnells for a general luminance but I want to avoid using the scrollers too much if possible and use the 300s for most colours. I do also have a variety of S4s pointed at various points - plus all the standard dance stuff - side lights (Source 4 pareas) and back lights (S4 pars and 2 S4 profiles). Id o also have 2 thirds of a starcloth - the final third is off for repair so the middle section is missing (we have patched it with some general stage drape!).


Just looking for some ideas.


Thanks s much and I look forward to hearing some of these ideas.



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The song has lots of sections, and plenty of hit points, so should be plenty of things you could do. Be aware that your "I only have ..." list is more than many people on here have to hand, so assuming you know what they can do, maybe we can help.


Tell us what you have come up with so far, and we'll perhaps be able to suggest positive and negative things. What control are you using? That also helps us know what is possible. What are the dancers wearing - is there any stage dressing of any kind? If your star cloth has a gap, then how about making a star gobo or two to cover the middle section - won't be as good of course, but make it a feature rather than a fudge and it could look good.


Oh - and you need to complete your profile W********* Full Name Tim doesn't really fit in with our rules - we're NOT an anonymous forum here

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sorry mate - due to the nature of the job I am not alowed to specifie a name of venue :P

Sounds like they've gone down market on the Mi5 Christmas dance show this year to deal with the outcome of the Strategic Defence and Security Revue!

Bl00dy accountants ruining everything!

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You see Tim? The snag is that people on here like the idea that people are honest enough to provide details of what they're doing. I'll try to explain.


Sometimes people describe themselves as students which nowadays means anybody from 12 to 30 odd - so we have no idea of what they know, or what they're likely to be able to do. In your case, lets assume the W....... stands for Westminster College, or Walsthorpe school for excluded naughty people aged 14. There's little point people dreaming up ideal solutions, spending a great amount of time doing it, when it's a school homework project, or a college assignment for an event that is totally fictitious. However, it could be a student sent to provide facilities for a local dance school, in a local venue who genuinely needs help.


We're a forum of people who have often been bitten by the 'homework brigade'. hence why we even have a next generation forum - so perhaps you can see why people find the evasiveness an indication of a potential waste of time. We've never come across any school or college preventing their students saying where they are based - hence why we find it odd. Also, by being willing to provide the info, you might even find people close to you might be willing to even offer extra advice, based on their knowledge of a venue or event. I can appreciate you perhaps not wanting people to know where you are, but something in me suggests that the only reason for this would be if the people you are doing it for want you to do it unaided - after all, if you use our ideas in HE, then it would be expected that you cite your sources.


It's entirely up to you, but it is you who wants help from us, isn't it?

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