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Spider-Man The Musical


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I'm not sure the situation on that show, but the normal candidates for high crew turnover are:-


High crew levels with natural turnover.


Exploitation of young people until they get jaded and leave.


Actual work. Some jobs involve real responsibility and hard work. Particularly complex wet ones.


Tinglyness. I just made that word up to describe the wonders of working with electricity and water. :** laughs out loud **:


Comforts. Good accommodation quality of free time are a necessity for any job.

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Well with this many staff - guess a high natural turnover is normal! I guess its bit like a ship you need more than one crew to cover holidays and stuff and normal rotation.




Performed by a superb cast of approximately 80 international performance artists artistically trained by Mr. Franco Dragone’s talented Associate Director Mr. Giuliano Peparini and approximately 160 world-class production staff, technicians and professional divers from more than 25 countries around the world.

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approximately 160 world-class production staff, technicians and professional divers from more than 25 countries around the world.


If everybody on the production staff does a three-year stint, then you are needing to replace, on average, one person every week.

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