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how much dry ice for fog


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I know that each application is different so I will go into as much detail as possible, I have three shows and dress rehearsal of our production of the Nutcracker.

We need to flood the stage for approximately 3 minutes using 2 peasoupers, the stage is 35' x 55'. Dress rehearsal is on a Friday with 3 run throughs but I would probably just use fog for one, and the final show starts Sunday at one.

I will only be able to pick up dry ice on Friday.

I will get the pellets if they are available or break up blocks if I have to.


What I would like to know is(1) how much dry ice per machine per show

(2)How much for the entire show considering loss due to warming over weekend with optimal storage conditions

I know that there are a lot of variables so just give me your best guess if this was your show. I think the more responses the better so please chime in (like wikepedia)


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Come on! 21 views and no opinion? Just hazard a guess it won't cost you anything!

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What are you storing it in?

We've done this before here, but unless you have anything better, your best bet is a BROKEN (ie electrically dead) small chest freezer from the local scrap yard, with a layer of polystyrene or other insulation in the bottom, raising the 'floor' level as high as needed to leave enough room for the ice then some more insulation on top. Remove as MUCH air space with insulation as you can.That should keep the ice reasonably solid without massive loss over the weekend, BUT buy in more than you estimate you'll need - just in case.

As for how much, I wouldn't be confident with less than a pack per machine per show (and pellets are always better than broken blocks). It's been a while since I used any on our (smaller than your) stage but the Hippodrome Nutcracker last year used about a half bucket or so in each machine and still had spare.


Come on! 21 views and no opinion? Just hazard a guess it won't cost you anything!
Patience, as always, is a virtue...

That was 21 views in just 5 minutes - give us a chance!!! :cold:

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sorry, you know how impatient we yanks are!

Well, as you've not completed your profile info fully (contrary to the T & C of the forum...) we didn't even know that you're on the left side of the pond.....


Which also means that the Hippodrome reference probably means little to you, so I'll elaborate by saying that it's a full sized pro house with a stage of 42 ft prosc width by around 55 ft depth (though the scene in question would have been about a third of that depth).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the 2 machines that I rented hold about 4.5 kilos (10 pounds here)of dry ice, 3 runs through of dress rehearsal and three shows with dress on Friday, 2 shows on Saturday and 1 on Sunday.

I bought 90 kilos of dry ice (200 Pounds) and I will have some left over but I think without the extra I would have lost more to sublimation.

Great effect, everyone was impressed! All in all a great show!

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