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Hello ,

Can anyone assist me with my logic pro.

The issue is - when I have made up a track then ready to bounce it down for the final record. Having putting the level to the best sound level. When I bounce the track down to wav or mp3 . I find the level are not as great or good on the original track.

Is there something I am missing or doing wrong.

You can see a few examples of my musik on www.myspace.com/d.jsunray

This there any logic pro expert who can assist me.


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you have both a master fader and an output 1-2 fader (I imagine you are using output 1-2)

logic will automatically set the master fader at infinity so id check it is still there, and set your overall level with output 1-2, then bounce using these outputs on your global submixer.


hope this helps



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Is it normalising the files after bouncing? Try unchecking Normalise at the bounce stage - although if it's reducing the level on bounce you may be running into clipping.

Pretty sure normalizing won't reduce the level even if clipping, if it's clipping then it is already at maximum volume.


Are you using any mastering plug-ins such as multiband compression or limiters?


Try pulling the bounced track back into logic in a new session then normalise the Wav file this is done destructivly so the track on the hard drive will be as loud as it will go, if it says 'already normalised' then this is as loud as it will go without compression.

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