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Vintage Bird Cage


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I am currently in the process of propping for our young people's show in December, and have decided to make a vintage bird cage along with some other props!!


This may well be quite a mission to make, but was thinking of some ply on the bottom, with holes for the metal bars and trying to bend them up at the top...but if anyone has ever seen one or made one by any chance could you give me some pointers on what I will need to do!


Any help would be much appreciated!




Chrissy! :)

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We have to cut a slit in the bottom of it to put the mechanism for a fake birds wings so that they can move inside, so if we hire one we cannot really deface it! which is the problem!


I have a workshop with plenty at my disposal so im hoping I can find most of the materials for free!


Thanks for your reply, I may have to start phoning round companies anyway, see if there are any that will let me cut a slot out of one!


Chrissy ;)

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It is for the 17c rendition of Cinderella, and our props store is unfortunately not equiped with a bird cage! which is not very helpful, but willow would probably work just as well if not better...so I shall have an experiment with that I think, the first thing that came to mind was metal bars!


Thanks everyone,


Chrissy ^_^

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Here's a link about Withies that I added to another props-making question a while ago...


as Kerry says, easier than metal, though if withies don't work, you could try armature wire from Flints. this will bend to shape quite easily, though it might be a bit too soft - the finished item might not be easy to handle without bending the wires out of shape ...

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