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Stairville DMX Splitter


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I think my Stairville DMX Splitter has developed a fault, doesn't appear to be outputting DMX.

When I plug it into the mains, without a DMX input signal all the status LEDs are on.

I thought they only came on, and flickered, when a DMX signal was inputted to the splitter?



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The LEDs seem to come on all the time, unless the input signal goes hard positive or hard negative, in which case only one colour is on. With a DMX signal, they flicker.


If you 've lost all the channels then it's an input fault, as there are four independent output stages. And each stage drives its own LEDs so its not a fault in the power distribution affecting outputs.


These are pretty simple devices, and someone with a meter and a scope and access to google to get the chip pinouts should be able to troubleshoot it in five minutes.

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We have a showtec version of the splitter, and had a problem after the unit had been powered on permanently for a few weeks, I got flicker on the demux unit. and noticed weaknesses in some of the output channels, ie the demux would only work on out put number 2.


after loads of playing about the cure was to power down the splitter for 10 mins. then hey presto! it all worked properly again.


So the method here is not to leave the unit powered on for prolongued periods of time.

hope this helps.

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