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Van insurance


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An outfit called Autonet have just started advertising with a title I write for and they claim to beat any quote on van insurance. I have no knowledge of them beyond just coming across the ad which includes a promotion code 2340. (No warranty implied or given....)
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Whilst I don't condone driving without insurance, I'm not in the least surprised a lot of it goes on, given the cost of insurance nowadays....


Yet again, it seems like the motorist is the easy target and its a very sorry state of affairs in this stinking country that people are just sitting back and letting these sickening increases happen. I'm sorry, but nobody can justify a 60-100% increase in just a year for insurance, I don't care who they are!


I have to renew my insurance in the next couple of months and in for a fight.



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In OZ, or parts of, I gather 3rd party insurance comes off the top of the cost of petrol and is a gov't thing. You can buy fully comp cover as well if you wish.


That was the state of affairs a couple of years ago when I was in Brisbane. That way, unless people thieve the fuel, everyone pays for basic insurance.


I reckon that the Road Fund Licence could be tacked onto fuel as well...the more you drive, and the thirstier the vehicle is, the more you pay in proportion.


Granted, heavy goods vehicles might need to pay a top up???


Does away with some gov't departments, hopefully, Cameron. D please take note... and is a fair into the bargain...and save a lot of time and effort catching/prosecuting/fining dodgy characters without RFL...who would possibly ignore any fines and not have anything worth the bailiff starting the van up...


Just the MOT to worry the Police with...so when all vehicles have electronic engine management/ built in tracker the motor is inhibited remotely...you can guess the rest...mind you that would be the onset of Big Brother...

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