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Best Cable


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We use cables from a trade only supplier {hills}who sell good quality black cables with ferrites at lengths up to 65m. They work well , but make sure its the "expensive" ones not the value range. That said VDC and Kramer make decent cable, but id beware the cPC / maplin etc stuff as some has been decent, some unuseable and in the world where people expact a cable to connect 2 items without introducing artifacts a fiver saved on a cheap cable can be costly.

There have been various posts as to how to run Vga long distances, ie what baluns / amplifiers etc to use, when all you need is a decent cable to run vga up to 100m...

however no matter how much you spend, some ham fisted fud is stil going to bend the pins then break them trying to plug it in upside down. Hills sell a M-F gender unchanger which sounds like the most pointless waste of a couple of quid untill you realise what its for...

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however no matter how much you spend, some ham fisted fud is stil going to bend the pins then break them trying to plug it in upside down. Hills sell a M-F gender unchanger which sounds like the most pointless waste of a couple of quid untill you realise what its for...

Sacrificial connector, I like it. beats the hell out of replacing the cable/ reterminating the connector at any rate ** laughs out loud **

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Thanks Guys! :)

We are a school so we dont have a massive amount of budget, but we use projection in every show and event.


Extron and Kramer make decent VGA cables without costing a fortune. 30 metres should be fine without boosting in most circumstances but that does depend on what resolution you're using (higher resolution = higher bandwidth) and environmental factors. If time isn't a factor we'd usually suggest buying the cable and only adding an amp if there are problems.

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