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silhouetted tableau


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Hi Folks,


I'm helping with a college production. They want to have a tableau taking place upstage and on one side of the while the rest of the cast is lit normally on the other side of the stage. The tableau needs to be taking place either silhouetted or dimmed against brighter background. I was wondering whether it would be possible to either :-

(I) put the tableau behind scrim/gauze and light the background, or

(ii) backlight the tableau and place the whole lot behind an opaque screen to produce a silhouette.



Has anyone got any ideas to help me. Would either of these 2 work, or do you have any other ideas?



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  • 4 weeks later...
Light a cyc, with the tableau downstage of it.




I've also had suggested that it might be worth having a black gauze downstage of the tableau, to absorb any stray light. So, that's


US <> cyc (lit) <> tableau <> gauze <> DS


Do you have any thoughts as to that's worth doing as well?


Also we have to hire in cyc (and gauze if needed). Are there any technical specs (for the cyc and gauze) that I would need to know o hire cyc or gauze?



thanks for your help.

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