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kramer vp 727 colour problem


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Hi guys, need ur help in this......all of our vp 727 and xl's have a colour a problem..one of the outputs(preview or programme) always has a colour varaition in some it is greenish and in some it is redish.


If the preview is greenish, programme will b perfect n when u switch it the programme becomes greenish and preview will b perfect.


The inputs I m using is 2 laptops, and I tried all kinds of cables in inputs and outputs but no luck(vga,rgbhv).I also changed laptops.


We contacted Kramer and they told abt a secret menu . u can access it by pressing preview pip-top arrow-bottom arrow-left arrow and right arrow. there u can control the colours but still u hav to do this once u reset it.

If any one of u had such xperiences or soloutions to this pls let me know.thanks Griju

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YUV / RGB setting?


thanks tom,with help of secret menu u can fix it, but I want know y this happens and I would like to know anybody else face this problem with vp 727 switcher series.


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Hi Griju,


I see that you are based in Dubai. Which Kramer office did you contact? You might be better off talking to Tech support in the Kramer factory. Send an email to tech @ kramerel dot com or call +972 2 65404000


Hey Nick :rolleyes: ..thank u for ur post..we contacted Kramer singapore....I want to know if anyone else face these faults with 727 series..

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I occasionally use a 727 and fnd I have to factory reset it before doing anything else, otherwise I get silly issues..



thanks for the post john....I also do the factory resetting before every setup but that doesnt solve my colour problems..

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  • 9 months later...

Hi girjuraj,


I have come across a couple/few of these units from cross hires with the same type of fault - this not a cure but may get you out of trouble until its sent away for either firmware/repair etc

what I noticed that this fault only effects the first 1-4 inputs on the A/B Bus - and if you put your signal on ch5 upwards it does not happen - its most problably the A/B matrix chip playing up or something around that area ( without a circuit I cannot locate)


Hope this helps you out - until its sent away for repair



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