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Ok. got new subs and need a crossover. I already have a basic one in one rack, but really need another. Is it worth doing down the driverack route as not all my cabs and amps are in there presets.also which one pa, pa+ or 260.
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I have a 260 which I'm happy with (although it has twice, over the last few years, lost all its saved programs).

I wouldn't worry about it not having presets for your kit - I've never used it with kit that it's had the right presets for. It does mean a bit more programming and calculations to perform but my geekier side enjoys that :rolleyes:

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Avoid the original Driverack PA. It didn't have a circuit to mute the output at power up and many of them put out a driver-killing thump. I once had to pick up the pieces when a mains bump just before show time took out all the HF drivers on a theatre system I was mixing on. A bit of Googling will show you that this was far from an isolated incident. What annoys me greatly is that this has been a know fault for years and no mods or notification has been issued.


As far as I know, the PA+ is fine in this regard as are other models in the range.



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