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Holding DMX when losing signal from desk


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For 2 years ago I was lighting programmer for a show on the water, where we used wireless DMX. Sometimes it happend that we lost the connection. The techs hired then something where they put in the DMX, and when incoming signal was gone, then that thing send constantly the last DMX signal out to all the fixtures. Does any one know what`s the name of it?


I hope my story is clear! Thanks already!

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Many dimmers have a 'hold' function built in. Could certianly be worth a look. It's usually a simple DIP switch between fade to Blackout and Hold current scene. some of the older Zero88 stuff could also be programmed to output a preset scene in the evento of DMX loss.
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As already mentioned lots of dimmers and fixtures do remember the last thing they were sent but not all


most moving heads will just stay at their last command apart from if you have programmed a movement

In this instance the fixture will just stop moving


this is all ok if as in the instance you describe of just loseing signal then regaining signal there will be no aparent loss of light


The problem occurs if you lose DMX due to desk having to be re booted (if it decided to crash etc0 then when the desk regains power all the lights will black out untill you re output a cue or state (with some desks now this can be a long time) This is where a linebacker can come into its own because it can hold the previous output untill you are ready to resend a new cure so not getting any un opertune black outs

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Thanks for all the suggestions, but I don`t need to buy it. For an interview next friday I have to know the name of that sort of things. From what I understanded it only let DMX thru, but when there was no DMX in, it holds the last DMX signal.


And yes, I know that dimmers holds the DMX signal, but we didn`t had any dimmers there, because we only had moving heads and citycolours.


But I will call it just a Linebacker, thanks all!

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Thanks for all the suggestions, but I don`t need to buy it. For an interview next friday I have to know the name of that sort of things. From what I understanded it only let DMX thru, but when there was no DMX in, it holds the last DMX signal.


And yes, I know that dimmers holds the DMX signal, but we didn`t had any dimmers there, because we only had moving heads and citycolours.


But I will call it just a Linebacker, thanks all!

ETC (Arri) Reflection does all that plus


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I have only once worked with wireless DMX and it all worked flawlessly so I didn't really get an oppertunity to run them through their tricks but I would expect the receiver unit itself to feature something along the lines of "hold of signal lost" after all, the manufacterors know the chances of that happening...


Aren't there also splitters that can hold, and failover switches (when you use a backup desk) etc... (basically I have a bunch of options running through my head).

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Generically they are DMX backup devices.


The majority of well-known manufacturers have products that do this, with varying levels of capability.

Some can fade to a backup look, others hold-last-look forever, some wait for a manual intervention and others are automatic (and many have all those as setup options).


Also, as mentioned earlier, many DMX devices can themselves be configured to hold-last-look or fade to a pre-recorded preset on loss of signal.

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I have only once worked with wireless DMX and it all worked flawlessly so I didn't really get an oppertunity to run them through their tricks but I would expect the receiver unit itself to feature something along the lines of "hold of signal lost" after all, the manufacterors know the chances of that happening...


Aren't there also splitters that can hold, and failover switches (when you use a backup desk) etc... (basically I have a bunch of options running through my head).


Hi, it wasn`t really a 'normal' wireless DMX unit. We converted all the DMX lines to one ethernet UTP, and then it went to a special transmitter, because the distance was between 300 and 800 meter. There was just no regular system then what could to that.


And yes, I also know several options for the problem when losing DMX. Tommorow some schoolkids are coming to my place, and interview me. They wanna know about that job, so I just needed some names about some things were used at that job.


Thanks all for thinking!

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For this job of transmitting the DMX over 300-800m is best using of the W-DMX TX/RX units - from wirelesssolution.com or OEM partners - as we're. For good money you have solid connection as the cable. We have made application in Turkey for 1km on sea, Spain for 800m in city without any fault. The main point is have good antena and also good placed RX/TX units. I recommend for outdoor using the directional antennas 2.4GHz. Wifi is not so good due the overcrowded wifi spectrum- the W-DMX unit have one pros - they know what is DMX frame lenght and all transmitting is based on this fact. In WiFI you don't know exactly the size of packet - so there should me more problems - and THEY're there.
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For all people who recommend me things now:


For 2 years ago, I was lighting programmer for a job in Istanbul. I don`t need stuff now, I`d just needed to know a name :) Normally I would phone to the technicians, but I don`t have any numbers of them, and it was locally hired, because Procon didn't delivered it.

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I think that we have cooperated on same project - we have delivered the W-DMX system for this show.




The company which has been there as local crew was Ibrahim Tunca - our client. This guy was great man, great friend and innovator in case of effects. He died 1 year ago by the motorbike accident :rolleyes:((. Anyway if you need any technicall help please let me know - I'll try to browse thru documentation and should help you with your case.

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