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zoom microphones


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I really like the idea behind that, in fact its quite simple in the idea but complex in the electronics / maths. Overlaying 300mic's with the correct delay so that they align up to pick out a single person talking must have taken some seriously complex maths.
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its called a phase array. it's already used loads in radar.


the maths it uses is no stranger to audio, either. it's just a fourier transform, I think?


Ahh so it might be simpler than my brain thinks it is. Thanks I'll have a look into it sometime this week.

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First post :)

The size and scale of the Norwegian system is amazing, but smaller (and probably much cheaper...) versions of the same idea have been around for a while:


Google also gave the "eigen mic" a spherical array


And a little demo on Youtube


The clue as to how these work would seem to be embedded in the name eigenmike!


Coincidentally, I've just requested money for a couple of the acoustic image mics to investigate how they work. I'd love to hear from anyone who has used this type of mic in meetings, especially those where simultaneous interpretation is involved...



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