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Antari X-310 Phazer


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Hi All

I've had the superb Antari X310 Phazer for around 5 years now.

It's been used 4 nights a week, every week (4hours a night) since I got it.


Over the last few nights, the quantity of haze has reduced to an absolute trickle.

Even when pressing the manual button, a very small amount comes out then back to a trickle, even on Max settings.


Do you think this is a blockage, or pump??


Also, I don't think this has anything to do with the issue, but the light on the 240V power in socket on the back is very dim.


I've seen a replacement pump for £29+p&p, are these easy to fit???




Any help appreciated

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  • 2 weeks later...


Stripped the machine apart and tested the pump, pump worked fine when disconnected from the heater.


Concluded it was a blockage in the heater.

Took heater out and tried to put distilled water and vinegar mix through it. This had a limited but slightly improved result and at least there was a bit more haze produced, but nowhere near what it should have been.


After a couple of gigs, it became completely blocked again.


Managed to get hold of a new heater, replaced the unit.


Now works again like a dream.


Hope this helps someone else.

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  • 11 months later...

I've got the same problem with 3 of them. Only people I can find with spares is Terralec (and dont particularly like them) Where did you get your heating unit from?







Stripped the machine apart and tested the pump, pump worked fine when disconnected from the heater.


Concluded it was a blockage in the heater.

Took heater out and tried to put distilled water and vinegar mix through it. This had a limited but slightly improved result and at least there was a bit more haze produced, but nowhere near what it should have been.


After a couple of gigs, it became completely blocked again.


Managed to get hold of a new heater, replaced the unit.


Now works again like a dream.


Hope this helps someone else.

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  • 3 weeks later...


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