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Has anyone got a Pyro flash hardware ??


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Can anyone reccomend a (CHEAPER) alterative to the Pyroflash systems??


What else is their on the market apart from Le Maitre , is their a cheaper brand thats worth looking at ?



Basically need a 2 Pod pyro system that will go "FLASH , BAND , PUFF" on demand :** laughs out loud **:


I used to have a Pyroflash system about 20 years ago before some git pinched it :)




If anyone is selling any Pyroflash systems (or similar) please send me a PM.


I`m after buying a 2 pod system or simliar







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The pods are best bought from a Le Maitre distributor, the flat pods have a different socket spacing from the angled pods. These things go for silly money on ebay unless you are very lucky.


Controllers There are no cheap machines on sale but if your engineering is up to standard you can make something. Whether you MAY go DIY is another issue, and strongly discouraged.

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Whether you MAY go DIY is another issue, and strongly discouraged

why is it? The firing circuit aint rocket science, at the end of the day its a simple psu with a few added switches,and a suitable value pair of resistors and led for the test circuit, if its that frowned upon why do the ABTT publish a sutiable circuit diagram in the back of there pyro guide?

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Le Maitre disclaim all respnsibility for devices fired with other than their controllers, so you are on your own. So unless you are totally certain of your work then DIY firing kit is to be discouraged. even then you need to be sure of your insurance terms.


You can make a controller it's easy, there are instructions on the web and as you say in the ABTT guide. When the maker says not to, should you use a DIY option?

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Problems arise when home made controllers are built without full appreciation of the safety measures that MUST be considered. Pyro isn't an area that you'll get much disagreement on the opinion that it needs to be tightly controlled.


Sure - anyone can fire a pyro - all you need is a 9v battery and BANG!

But to do so in a properly managed way with the ability to isolate the system correctly, test the circuits and ensure safe operation at all times is slightly different. And it is NOT just about the hardware - pyro safety is about the methods employed in selecting, loading and firing etc.


And yes, circuit diagrams are in the public domain to build a DIY firing box. IF you have the skills to do so properly then there's nothing too wrong about doing so - I've used a number of home made firers over the years, but I've also rejected others that just weren't up to scratch - in fact on two occasions I've literally destroyed the concoctions due to their dangerous construction.

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What else is their on the market apart from Le Maitre...

Off the top of my head...






Pyro Magic



Flash Art


...is there a cheaper brand that's worth looking at ?

None of the above are cheaper.


Basically need a 2 Pod pyro system that will go "FLASH , BAND , PUFF" on demand

I assume you mean BANG?



I used to have a Pyroflash system about 20 years ago before some git pinched it

TBH a secondhand Pyroflash 2 system will do just fine for what you want.


If anyone is selling any Pyroflash systems (or similar) please send me a PM.

eBay is your friend.

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