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Yamaha 01v96 Using all 4 Effects at once?


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Hello, New user here.



I have done a lot of research on this and still have no workable soultions.


I am using a Yamaha 01v96 - I want to use all 4 of the available efx at one time.



I have been successful at using EFX's 1 and 2 - I used the same logic when setting up EFX #s 3 &4 but have had no luck in actually getting the 3rd and 4th effect to work.



I do have the Sample rate set to 44.1kHz and according to all my research this should work.


I have no cards installed.


I do use a focusritre Octopre mk2 on adat - I do not have the BNC cables for clocking.



Any insight into solving my problem would be most helpful.







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Are you sure the aux's are patched in to the other fx units. If memory serves, by default fx 1&2 are patched from aux's 7&8, while fx units 3&4 are unpatched. In order to use the other fx units, you have to patch each of them from an auxillary, you should find the settings if you go looking through the patching sections on the console.
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