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Martin Mini Macs


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Hi All,


Before I start I just want to say that I know little or nothing :wacko: about lighting. I recently bought two second hand martin mini macs. Basically what I want is to use them sound to light which is independantly of each other working fine at the moment,b ut want to use one as a master and one as slave so that they are doing the dame thing. I have followed the manual in trying to do this but to no success. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance.

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Select any one fixture to be the master. On this fixture only, scroll to SA in the main menu, press [enter], scroll to Ctr, press [enter], scroll to Snd, and press [enter].


On the slave fixture, scroll to SA in the main menu, press [enter], scroll to Ctr, press [enter], scroll to rEC, and press [enter].


Plug a data cable into the OUT socket of the first fixture and the IN socket of the next fixture.


On all fixtures, scroll to EnA, press [enter], scroll to On or Aut, and press [enter]. (If a fixture does not respond as expected, verify that Programmed Stand-alone mode is disabled, i.e., that Ctr/run is set to OFF.)


Set the trigger and pan/tilt options using the control panel on the master fixture. Set the color and gobo options on the slave fixtures.


To stop operation, simply disconnect the fixture from power. To disable stand-alone operation, set EnA to OFF.


I have lifted this striaght from the manual but this is how you set them to be master slave............ thers no more to this to set them up

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Hi Stuart,


Followed all that but no result...



Select any one fixture to be the master. On this fixture only, scroll to SA in the main menu, press [enter], scroll to Ctr, press [enter], scroll to Snd, and press [enter].


On the slave fixture, scroll to SA in the main menu, press [enter], scroll to Ctr, press [enter], scroll to rEC, and press [enter].


Plug a data cable into the OUT socket of the first fixture and the IN socket of the next fixture.


On all fixtures, scroll to EnA, press [enter], scroll to On or Aut, and press [enter]. (If a fixture does not respond as expected, verify that Programmed Stand-alone mode is disabled, i.e., that Ctr/run is set to OFF.)


Set the trigger and pan/tilt options using the control panel on the master fixture. Set the color and gobo options on the slave fixtures.


To stop operation, simply disconnect the fixture from power. To disable stand-alone operation, set EnA to OFF.


I have lifted this striaght from the manual but this is how you set them to be master slave............ thers no more to this to set them up

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