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300 capacity marquee - with a twist!


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Hi Blue-roomers,

I'm looking for a marquee-type structure to accommodate a 16' by 16' stage and 300 punters (theatre style) to hire for Aug 2011.

The twist is, we're looking for something with a distinctive structure, rather than a bog-standard tent-shape. If the structure is load-bearing - for a small LX rig and PA then so much the better, as it'll save on truss hire. A rounded (floor-plan) layout would do, as we can work with a thrust-type layout.

If anyone has any ideas, sources or supplementary questions then please do contribute.

It almost goes without saying, but budget is tight so while I'd love to hear about extravagant custom structures, frankly it ain't gonna happen.



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I had a mob trying to persuade me to use them when I was project managing a large event a couple of years back.


They have structures that are more like pulling a square bit of material in several directions and it looks fantastic.


Someone will know on here, I can't remember the name so as usual, im useless.



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Might be a little oversize and it's weight loading is relatively low but have you considered a Saddle Span. Although more commonly seen used as stage canopies they can also be completely enclosed.

thanks John, I'll be in touch with them on Monday for a quote on SaddleSpan.

Any other suggestions still appreciated.

And thanks Roderick, wasn't aware de Boer had distinctive structures, I'll try them too.

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Chris, from your posts it appears that you are fairly inexperienced in tent-land, (Tentnology manufacture Saddlespans in Vancouver so hiring direct from them could prove a tad expensive) bear with me a little, please.


You ask for supplementary questions and just a few of the many that a tent company will need to know when pricing a job are; Is the site flat and level, with good trucking access and no overhead obstructions? What is the surface, grass, tarmac etc and what is the soil structure, earth, clay, sand etc? Will you need flooring/trackway/covered walkway/house LX/emergency LX/linings/blackout etc? What physical size and weight of kit do you want to hang? Is the seating flat or tiered? What height walling do you require? How long is the hire? How many event days? What have you allowed for transport costs? (usual charges around £1 per mile over about 40 miles)

And the million dollar bonus question: You do have 25-50% deposit to go with the order, don't you?


It really is all down to budget and to give an example, take Drummerjonny's suggestion of INTENTS (stretchy) fabric. Really good looking and you could link two together and do the job but if you wanted some side protection then it could be more. The height determines the floor area and possibility of side protection. There is no suspension facility whatsoever and you will need to spend from £20/£30 a head before transport costs. A bog standard unlined, unfloored 12mX24m clearspan will cost around the £3.50/£4 a head mark.

DeBoer aren't that cheap, most bedouin tents aren't up to Scottish weather and just getting any choice of tent in August will be problematic. Discounts even more so.


Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of ways to do something interesting and affordable and a trip to the Showmans Show in Newbury next month could be informative, but it all boils down to how much you can spend and who you know.

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You ask for supplementary questions and just a few of the many that a tent company will need to know when pricing a job are; Is the site flat and level, with good trucking access and no overhead obstructions? What is the surface, grass, tarmac etc and what is the soil structure, earth, clay, sand etc? Will you need flooring/trackway/covered walkway/house LX/emergency LX/linings/blackout etc? What physical size and weight of kit do you want to hang? Is the seating flat or tiered? What height walling do you require? How long is the hire? How many event days? What have you allowed for transport costs? (usual charges around £1 per mile over about 40 miles)

And the million dollar bonus question: You do have 25-50% deposit to go with the order, don't you?


thanks for all replies, in particular Kerry's.

Yes, you're right that I'm not well-versed in the way of the tentie!

Site is flat and level grass, with excellent access (city centre public square) and no obstructions overhead - not sure of the soil composition. We'd need flooring, side walls and preferably blackout. Seating will be theatre-style, possibly with a raised rear section. I'd be hanging something like 6x source 4 from front bar, and a total of 12 pars on bars either side of stage, plus house lighting (probably 6 x Coda), Bardics and exit lights.

I have contacts for lighting, staging and rigging so would only be looking for the marquee with flooring, walls and blackout for the full month of August, with shows from 3rd or 4th to 29th.

While we can't afford to be super-extravagant, we are solvent so there would be no problem with a deposit!


I hope these further details give you a better idea of what I'm looking for.



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Think Kerry nailed it all but you could try www.marqueehireguide.co.uk you can select your area and input your details they send a email to loads of marquee companies with your question may be worth a try.


and the showmans show is a must bit like PLASA for tents

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So you're looking for a theatre-tent, how about trying the biggest theatre tent company in europe (which is also run by my parents) www.letsdotheshowrighthere.com as they have distinctive structures with high loading/rigging and proper audiance sight-lines. Whilst you /can/ throw up a marquee and stick some chairs in it there's a heck of a lot more to creating a theatre than that.
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Manchester Royal Exchange used to have a mobile version of their amazing theatre which was available for hire - I don't know if this is still the case, and I'm afraid I can't remember the capacity, but might be worth a look.


E2A- somewhere in the back of my mind I recall that it's not completely weatherproof, so needs to be installed under cover of some sort, so may not meet your criteria..... I looked into it for a project some years ago, and the details are a bit sketchy in my aging grey cells....

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