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Alcora Zero 88 desk


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Hi guys


I am after a little help. I have an Alcora Zero 88 lighting desk that is in need of some repair, a couple of the faders have come off and some how the slide has fallen inside the desk itself. (the joys of working in a school!!!) anyway what I want to know is, is this something that can be fixed easily by myself? (I have some knowledge of working with these however I am a sound guy so used to working with mixing desks rather than lighting ones.


If this is a big job and needs to be sent away can anyone recommend a decent repair service that is cheap (school budget is non existent) that can do the job.


Really what I want to know is, is it worth repairing or should we look at a new one?





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Contact the Zero88 service department and ask nicely for a copy of the Alcora/Elara service information. It contains a detailed description of how to open up the unit as well as how to put the unit into test mode which allows you to check every switch, fader and LED for correct operation.
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Definately Contact Zero 88 and get the Service Manual.


I recently had a problem quite simmalar to yours but on a Elara 12/24 had to end up replaceing 5 faders.


I got the faders off a friend and they worked perfectly. I think they were spares for an EQ unit. but they were the right ones So I used them. But scince your in the UK it would be probably easyer to get them staright off Zero 88


Obviously be careful on the board. to the get the things out in a pain because there are 2 legs on one end and 4 on the other plus two anchors in the middle.


And when you put the new faders in watch out for solder wiskers on the top side under the fader itself on the end with 4 legs.

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The fader is part number 4417000, and they cost around about £3 each I think. Your best bet is to give Keith, our Service Manager, a call on 01633 833101 or email him on keith.rogers@cooperindustries.com


He'll be able to sort you out with any parts and documents you need.

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