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So the modern equivalant would be Selecon Pacific series with the interchangeable lens tubes


Or the ETC Source IV etc


thats getting on the extreme side of keeping everything matching up to follow with the style of the series


It was probably the fastest, cheapest way of doing it. No extra tooling or engineering required and one extra backplate to become a faceplate. With the added bonus that it looked like the lamp housing, and kept the 'look' continuous through the range.


But I would assume the Pacific followspot would have a few features that could have been handy such as an iris, built in dimmer(shutter). it did have the two focusing knobs on the front but that would mean you need 2 Op's to run one very basic FS or you would need 3 hands.....


I recall the Sil Spots that I used when I started out as having an Iris, Shutter, Framing Shutter, and Dimmer. I think yours may have been a later 'on the cheap' mod


That just made me think. Everytime we fired up the Sil it would start clicking like there was a mechanical timer in it or that the metal was expanding. but then it would stop any reasoning for this??


Heat makes metal expand. Most lamps give off heat. Metal has a finite stretching point.





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