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Mike stand


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K&M are good as spare parts are readily available.


Have also got some of the Proel PRO series stands and they seem to be holding up just as well.


Most of the damage on stands tends to be from transport, so investing in some proper storage for them has saved us a lot of damaged stands.

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I use Hercules stands which are standing up (sic) very well, I also use Proels but the hercules are the first choice as they are more solid and more versatilewith its quick release boom.


For transport when there is no room for a trunk, I use one of those plastic cases golf players use to carry their golf clubs on planes, takes about 10 stands has wheels and cost me £20 from ebay

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Some students have Hercules stands and they are great.


I have some studio spares ones which are holding up fine.


We also have some which are quite heavy duty, but the annoying plastic selves that "grip" when the screw is tightened on the boom bit seem to break/fall out.

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On a budget I've found the new range from CPC are great. Big ones small ones, some as big as.... well not quite but they're very good for the money you pay. 90% of my stock is K&M and not the most expensive ones at that, bits are all available and interchangeable. Very useful indeed for when the screws get stolen.
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I have just a few hours ago (5:10pm) ordered 3 of the smaller stands and 6 large ones (Above links from Chris) to make up another “small band stage end” package when they arrive (hopefully tomorrow!!) I shall report back and see how they compare to the studio spares and K&M ones I have!

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