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Studio Due Minicity - not responding to DMX


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I've got a Studio Due Minicity 150 which isn't responding to DMX. Annoying, it isn't consistent. When I first plugged it up it was fine, but shortly afterwards it stopped responding. The colour flags stayed where they were and wouldn't move.


We powered it down, swapped it onto another DMX line, and when it was powered up again it did the same thing again - fine for the first few minutes then nothing. It works for just long enough to get your hopes up - very frustrating.


I've opened it up and double checked the wiring and condition of the DMX tails. Anything else that I could look for? My suspicion is that something is failing as the fixture heats up, but I can't see any obvious candidates inside. We have three more of these units running off the same power and DMX and working perfectly so I'm pretty sure the problem lies with the fixture itself.

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I've now had the chance to open the offending fixture up again. If I set it to standalone mode (using the internal rotary switches) it seems to behave quite happily. So I expect the issue is with the DMX side of things rather than anything to do with the colour mechanism itself.
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