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LED Ropelight - connectors?


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Hi Folks,


I'm putting together a small box to control our LED ropelight (contents: PWM LED Driver, 120v-12V trabnsformer and a 1-ch DMX to 0-10v analogue converter) - it has power in, DMX in and out and I need to then output for two strings of LED Ropelight. Any ideas on what connectors to use? It's just 2 poles of connection I need to make.


XLR style seems favorite, but 3-pin XLR is out (audio) as is 4-pin (scrollers and iCues), 5-pin (DMX) and 6-pin (Express RFU). 7-pin seems like the pins will break as soon as I look at them...


Any other ideas? I know some people like the old Canon-style connectors, but I don't think I can get my hands on them. Is there an agreed standard for PWM 12V connection? Or at least a loose industry suggestion?


PowerCon, maybe? Still, seems overkill to me - and requiring a little extra box to make inline connections makes it one more thing to buy/lose/break.

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What about this style of connector? (sorry not sure of the name)

Lockable and should be able to carry the current and be robust enough. I'm pretty sure there are panel M, and line M and F versions.



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Pic in post #5 is of a connector as used on Citizens Band tranceivers for the "microphone/push to talk switch" plug. And no doubt for other Ham kit as well.


Suggest a look in any amateur radio mag and go from there...they always have more ads than articles so hopefully easy to source and even more hopefully not too dear.


I believe the cable grip is external and is of the clamp variety with two very small screws.

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Those are often called "microphone connectors" and are available with several different pin counts, see here, or from a shop I really like (anyone who remebers Tottenham Court Road in its electronics heyday, or Super Radio in Liverpool will drool), Skycraft in Florida.



"Mosers" I think Frank Mosers was the name over the door.

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