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CP Alpha Beam vs. Mac 250 Beam


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Hi Everyone,


I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on how both the Clay Paky Alpha Beam 300 and Mac 250 Beam perform in terms of light output, noise levels when in use, speed of pan and tilt etc...

Having had a look around, it seems the Mac can be hired for quite a bit cheaper than the Alpha which is a big plus!

Just anyones opinions on either fixture would be greatly valued!






P.S. Pronunciation of Clay Paky anyone?

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Having used both units side by side (with the Mac Beams making up the numbers)...


CP Beams

Brighter in lighter colours


Good selection of iris gobos

Easier to source in Large Qty's

Frost is somewhat Hit and Miss

The beam is 'dirty'


Mac Beams

Brighter in darker colours

Good Gobo selection but in strange order and lacking range of iris gobos

Colour mix is more even

Cheaper to Rent

Using the lamp adjust it's possible to get a 'clean' beam with almost hard edges.


I cant comment on fan noise, but both units are very much one trick pony's, I think Robe also make a version but it has a larger feature set than both the Mac and CP Beams.


Without starting a Martin v's CP row, the brightness was 'by eye' and in no way takes into account for lamp hours or alignment and speed may have been limited or enhanced by software modes on the lamp! neither are 'bad' units

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Hi Everyone,


Thanks for the replies so far - Timmath that side by side comparison was really helpful :) . Out of interest does anyone know of any stockists of the Robe Robin 300 Beams (around the North East preferably but we could stretch to Edinburgh/Leeds etc)?


I think it may just boil down to whichever hire company can provide the whole show rig cheapest...


Thanks again,


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