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working windows on set

xzandra lee

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hi guys we are doing a production at the moment that requires a working rain window with an indipendant pump to pull water through that can be turned on and off remotely.


basically so it looks like it is raining outside I need some ideas as to making this work and potentially spec as to how to construct this I have a basic idea but if anyone has done one b4 that would obviously be the better option xdeex :D

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The long plastic plantpot type things from garden centres - about 3 feet wide, 6" deep and high. Screw these under the window, and a perforated tube above. 15mm plastic plumbing pipe works well. Then a trip to the aquatic shop for a pump and some hose. If you have the facility close to, to get rid of water, then run it from the mains via a garden hose and just waste the water.
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Saw the exact same system above done in the Drum in Plymouth; worked really well. The production even had a working shower but off the mains hot water system of course, for the gratuitous nudity scene (still have absolutely no idea why some bloke needed a shower, onstage, in the first 5 mins of the play).


Should you elect to go for the recirculating water system suggest you put a drop of bleach or sterilizing tabs in the water.

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